Code of Conduct for Students

A code of conduct for students in college typically outlines the expectations for behavior and the standards of conduct that students are expected to adhere to. 

Major Code of Conducts are as follows:

  1. Attendance and Identification:

    1. Students must bring their college identification card (ID) daily and present it upon request.
    2. Regular attendance in classes is mandatory. Excessive absenteeism may result in academic penalties.
  2. Mobile Phone Usage:

    1. The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited within college premises, including classrooms, hallways, and common areas.
    2. Mobile phones should be switched off or kept on silent mode and stored out of sight during college hours.
  3. Consequences for Violations:

    1. Failure to comply with ID card and attendance requirements or misuse of mobile phones may result in disciplinary action.
    2. Consequences may include warnings, fines, or other sanctions determined by the college administration.
General Code of Conducts
  1. Academic Integrity: Students are expected to uphold principles of academic integrity, including honesty, fairness, and respect for intellectual property. Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited.

  2. Respect for Others: Students must treat all members of the college community with respect and dignity, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or background. Discrimination, harassment, bullying, or any form of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

  3. Responsible Citizenship: Students are expected to act as responsible citizens both on and off-campus, obeying local laws and regulations, and respecting the rights and property of others. Any behavior that jeopardizes the safety or well-being of the college community is prohibited.

  4. Professionalism: Students should conduct themselves in a professional manner in all interactions, including with faculty, staff, peers, and visitors to the campus. This includes being punctual, prepared, and respectful in academic and extracurricular activities.

  5. Personal Integrity: Students are expected to demonstrate personal integrity and accountability for their actions. This includes taking responsibility for their behavior, following college policies and procedures, and being honest and transparent in their dealings.

  6. Use of College Resources: Students should use college resources, facilities, and technology responsibly and in accordance with college policies. Misuse or abuse of resources, vandalism, or unauthorized access to college property or information is prohibited.

  7. Alcohol and Drug Policy: The college may have specific policies regarding the use of alcohol and drugs on campus. Students are expected to comply with these policies and to avoid engaging in illegal or irresponsible behavior related to alcohol or drug use.

  8. Community Engagement: Students are encouraged to actively participate in campus life and to contribute positively to the college community through involvement in clubs, organizations, volunteer activities, and other opportunities for engagement.

  9. Conflict Resolution: Students should seek to resolve conflicts and disputes constructively and through appropriate channels, such as mediation, counseling services, or administrative offices.

  10. Consequences for Violations: Violations of the code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, which could include warnings, probation, suspension, or expulsion from the college, depending on the severity of the offense.

It's important for colleges to clearly communicate the code of conduct to students and to provide education and support to help students understand and uphold these standards. Additionally, colleges may periodically review and update the code of conduct to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in promoting a safe and respectful learning environment.