Students at Government College Kharkhara hail from rural areas and nearby villages, representing a rich tapestry of diverse backgrounds. Despite facing challenges, they exhibit unwavering determination and enthusiasm for learning. Boys and girls alike immerse themselves in various academic disciplines, embracing opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. Their resilience and hard work not only reflect their individual aspirations but also underscore their collective commitment to overcoming barriers and realizing their full potential. Through education, these students are empowered to become catalysts for positive change in their communities, embodying the spirit of progress and inclusivity.

Sr.NoFile NameUploaded DateView
1 B.Sc. 1st merit list, session 2023-24 14/07/2023 View
2 B.Com. 1st merit list, session 2023-24 14/07/2023 View
3 B.A. 1st merit list, session 2023-24 14/07/2023 View